Sunday, August 2, 2009

How Not to Have a Theological Debate

“Unicam esse hominibus iustitiam, Dei misericordiam in Christo, dum per Euangelium oblate, fide apprehenditur”
(Man’s only righteousness is the mercy of God in Christ, when it is offered by the Gospel and apprehended by faith).

Iohannis Calvini, Commentarius Epistolam Pauli ad Romanos, ed. T. H. L. Parker, Studies in the History of Christian Thought 22, (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1981), 7.


  1. Can you translate most of that. Was it supposed to be a joke? Any time someone says Piper and Washer are preaching salvation by works I would hope they are joking. But then again, what is supposed to be funny about that?

  2. I planned to respond to your questions in this comment thread but was disallowed for having too much text. Instead I posted it as "The Covenant Theology of John Piper's Future Grace."
